Friday, February 16, 2007

February 16

So I'm doing away with the cutesy titles. It's too much work to think about a title before I start writing, and I don't like leaving it blank as I'm writing. Yes, it's crazy and nit-picky, but maybe that's why I'm on this SSRI...

I'm 3 doses into the Celexa, and I'm feeling a little space
y. Taking it in the morning did make a huge difference--I was definitely able to sleep last night and didn't wake up at all! Weird. I had a lot of trouble deciding whether or not to continue it after the Night of Waking Hell, but my doc said I should give it 2 more days, take it in the morning instead, and see if the insomnia side effect diminishes or disappears in that time. So far, so good, but I'm not holding my breath. Been doing that too much lately, and I need the oxygen back.

Anyhoo, Jon and I are doing the belated Valentine's Day thing tonight. Dinner at Perbacco, a movie (hopefully Music & Lyrics with Drew Barrymore, but we'll see) and cuddling...that's always a good thing!!

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