Friday, December 15, 2006

Going far a-field: blogging for clients

So my weekly never-ending nightmare: writing a corporate blog. This thing has really become a burden that I can't get away from, and there's no relief in sight. Suck it up or quit the job, I guess, but since I can't quite stomach the idea of living on the streets, I'll just keep sucking. So to speak.

It's a horrible thing to realize you don't know what you're supposed to know, and that you have no way to know as much as you need to know so that you seem to be in the know. You know?

That kind of circular reference is what I face each time I am charged with writing a new entry for that blog. Someone sort of "gives" me a topic that's high-tech and esoteric, Worse, there'll be lots of people editing my draft and otherwise putting their two cents in before I can post the thing. So lame! Where are these people when I'm struggling to sound like I have even a passing idea about, say, the pros and cons of Agent vs. agent-less technology or how to ensure end point security the first place?

These terms get thrown around as if I'm aware of import of what's being talked about, and then I sit there for some 4-6 hours trying to read my illegible scrawl of notes that are only half-way there. It doesn't help that I have ADD. I should really get that fixed sometime soon.

Well, more later...

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