Wednesday, February 14, 2007

February 14

Yeah, so? It's Valentine's Day, and I've been up since just after 1 a.m. because I started on some anti-anxiety medication that's making a real mess out of me. My doctor suggested it because of the problems i've been having with falling asleep and sleeping through the night since Pap's stroke just before Christmas. He's much better now, but i think all the fear, anguish and unwonted responsibility and uncertainty I went through in the days and weeks afterward have finally caught up with me.

The medication is awful, and I'm thinking I'll not take dose 2 tonight. I mean, if I wanted to not sleep and be all jittery, headachy and nauseous, I could have gotten all that without the medication. These days, at least.

So I stayed home, since 2 hours of sleep + unpredictable nausea + intermittent headache and dizziness = a bad idea to get behind the wheel or in front of a computer for too long. I'm even having some blurred vision, which I think is one of those "call your doctor right away" symptoms--I have to check. Guess I'll go do that now...

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